Migrastil's Migraine Blog
BOTOX® (оnаbоtulinumtоxinA) is a рrеѕсriрtiоn mеdiсinе that is injесtеd into muѕсlеѕ and used tо prevent hеаdасhеѕ in adults with chronic migraine. Botox hаѕ bееn approved by the FDA for people 18 and older whо have 15 оr more days еасh...
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Both men and women suffer from migraines, but women are somewhat more likely to be afflicted. And in women it appears that there is sometimes a link between the menstrual cycle and migraine incidence. In these cases there is probably...
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You've probably seen blog articles or Facebook posts touting salt as a miracle migraine cure. I'm very skeptical about this purported "cure." To be fair, I haven't tried it. So, I won't say that it absolutely doesn't work. But I have a suggestion for something better.
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One of the most interesting migraine triggers is the weather, which can produce sudden changes in your brain that produce severe migraines. Weather is actually one of the most commonly reported triggers for migraine sufferers. Seventy-five percent of people that suffer from migraines report that weather changes often precede their migraines – a significant amount.
A variety of weather conditions can trigger migraines, ranging from changes in humidity to sudden increases or decreases in temperature.
The holiday season is almost upon us. It is a wonderful time to connect with family and friends, enjoy foods that that remind us of childhood, and generally enjoy ourselves. For those of us who suffer from migraines, though, it...
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